2009年7月22日 星期三

The Witches


Q1:第1頁:...and decided they'd go riding in and out around the moon. (1) 請問是什麼意思? (2) 是they would 的縮寫嗎?

A1: (1)*她們決定要繞著月亮穿進穿出(你可看一下圖片) (2) Yes

Q2:第3頁左邊:It was frazzled and bedraggled, an unbewitching sort of broom. Bewitching是指施魔法於、迷惑。
(1) 那這裡的an unbewitching sort of broom 是不是指【一把沒有被施魔法的掃帚】?
(2) 請問"sort"該怎麼翻會比較好呢

A2:(1)*對 (2) * = kind

Q3:第3頁右邊 They didn't think she'd make it going up there to the moon. (1)請問整句是什麼意思?是不是【其他巫婆認為他用沒有被施魔法的掃帚,無法飛到月亮】?
(2) 請問為什麼要用動名詞going? 因為如果 make 是一般動詞, 不可用動名詞, 若是make是使役動詞的話, 也是用原形動詞

A3:(1)*對 【going up】往上 (2)*make it going 是很一般的用法, 經常見到

Q4:第4頁左邊:They had broomsticks, cats, and lanterns and just ordinary packs. 這裡的just 該怎麼解釋,比較恰當? just ordinary packs是不是【普通的背包】?


Then they started to get ready, They put all their gear in stack. They had broomsticks, cats,and lantern,and just ordinary packs. When they got it all together,(請問這句意思等同When they gathered all together嗎?)

A5:*你理解錯了  they got it all: 指的是上一句的全部東西  包括:broomsticks, cats,and lantern,and just ordinary packs

Q6:第5頁右邊:在the witches's little sister forgot to bring her hat 之後, They sent her off to get it. 這裡的【sent her off】是什麼意思?

A6:*off:去、走 在<綠野仙蹤>裡也有 英國人喜歡講:off(走吧)

Q7: Wherever had she put it? (意思是:她究竟把它放到什麼地方嗎?這是過去完成式嗎?

A7: *可能是吧 我從來都記不住這些〔中文文法術語〕
如果別人東西找不到,我可以套用這句問他嗎?Wherever did you put it?可以這樣問嗎?) *你可以說:Where did you put it?

Q8: She looked underneath the mat.(請問underneath和under是一樣的嗎?這句話可以用under嗎)

A8:*underneath 有更貼近的底下的意思
mat 也是很貼近的底下

Q9:第7頁右邊:They trooped out to the launch pad at the edge of Shadow Lake. (1) 這裡的troop是指〝集合〞,還是〝成群結隊地走〞? (2) 句子的意思,是不是【他們在Shadow Lake旁邊的發射台集合。】(3) 為何加上out,有點不太明白,沒有troop out 這個片語,還是習慣用語

A9:(1)成群結隊地出發。(2)對 (3) *out 就是〔往外〕他們成群結隊朝向影子湖邊的發射台。

Q10: They trooped out to the launch pad at the edge of Shadow Lake. When the little witch remembered a fact that made her shake. 小巫婆記起一件事實讓她顫抖,此fact指的是什麼事情?

A10: 她好像忘記帶了什麼東西

Q11: 在the witches中有一句 they were almost set for take-off. (1) for的後面不是應該要用動名詞嗎taking off? (2) 這句的意思是她們幾乎一群一起起飛, 還是她們幾乎一組一起起飛, 還是都不是???

A11: (1) *你看電影裡的飛機起飛前 擴音機裡總是傳來:ready for take-off *英語是人家用了很久的習慣語言 並不一定是按您想的〔所謂文法〕 (2) *set: 就位、準備好 [她們差不多準備好要起飛.]

Q12: Then she finally remembered it was hiding in the shed. When she ran back out to get it, it was hissing at a rat. --->請問: (1) ran back out to 該怎麼翻呢~ (2)it was hissing at a rat ---> 我查到的hiss是嘶嘶叫

A12: (1) [她跑回去試圖抓它。 Out to : 試圖] (2) [是指那隻貓正對一隻老鼠叫 ]

Q13:第8頁右邊:But the witches' little sister just had to bring her cat. 這裡的just該怎麼解釋,比較恰當?


Q14: Out there at the launch pad. [是翻譯成”在發射台外面哪裡”]

Q15: Out there at the launch pad there were witches in a『line』. line指的是起飛線嗎?

A15: 排成一列

Q16:第9頁右邊:The broomsticks were all ready and the cats were doing fine. (1) 這裡的【the cats were doing fine】是什麼意思? (2) 其中fine 是何解釋?是當副詞的很好地?

A16: (1)*可能是說貓表現良好 (2) *doing fine: 做得很好 (fine 是副詞沒錯)

Q17: She hurried to the workshop which was somewhere in the back. which was somewhere in the back ? 翻譯 :她趕緊回來工作室某處後面, [ In the back 後面 ]

A17: *which was somewhere in the back. which 之後都在形容 workshop:後面某處的工作室

Q18: She "grabbed" the nearest lantern and put it in her pack.

A18: grabbed是翻成迅速抓起

Q19:第11頁左邊:Her hat was tipping slightly, and she held on to the light as she rode off on her broomstick into the starry night. 查到的片語:
【1】hold on to (片語):緊握。
【2】ride on (片語):騎坐 (1)這幾句的意思是? (2)這裡的【held on】不就是握著燈的意思嗎?為什麼要加個〝to〞呢?沒有〝to〞的話,意思是不是一樣呢?

(1) *她的帽子微微傾斜,她緊緊抓住燈,騎著掃把入星空
(2)*有句話:I need someone to hold on to.(我需要什麼人可以讓我靠)
* 〝to〞等於是held on的目標是light 〔她的帽子有點歪斜, 她繼續往有光的地方前進 當她騎著她的掃帚離開, 進入繁星點點的夜空〕

Q20: She rode off on her broomstick into the starry night. 為什麼要加off,ride off 是騎走的意思嗎?

A20: *off :走掉的意思

Q21: the witches' little sister would never go for a ride. 翻成〔兜風〕,那是不是可以說:小女巫從未兜風過?

A21: *你這樣解釋不對 I would never love you. 我永遠不可能愛你 I would never go there. 我永遠不可能去那裡 I would never love you. 我永遠不可能愛你 *我絕對不可能愛你 I would never go there. 我永遠不可能去那裡 *我絕對不去那裡 *也可以這樣解釋 你的那句就要從上下文去解釋 *〔小女巫這次絕不可能有機會去兜風〕

Q22: I was beginning to think the witches' little sister would never go for a ride. "would never go for a ride" 這裡可以理解成 "可能無法成行" 嗎?? 如果要抄 " go for a ride" 入單字本背, 中文意思應該要寫 "兜風" 還是什麼呢?? 拆開來的片語真難想個別意思

A22: 就抄〔兜風〕就好了 因為片語用到句子裡 翻譯時都要根據上下文來調整中文

Q23:第15頁:【That sounds terrific.】是翻譯成【聽起來恐怖】的意思嗎?

A23:*terrific:很棒 *You are terrific.:你這個人很棒!

Q24: Jolly uncle : *樂觀叔叔 Twin cousins : 【雙胞胎姪子】 Little sister = younger sister 妹妹 Big brother = older brother 哥哥 Little brother = younger brother弟弟

Q25:第15頁:We are going to be writers and make up some of our own words for the story. 這裡的【make up】該怎麼解釋,比較恰當?

