2009年7月22日 星期三

The Tiger

1Q:He said pretty please and thank you. 為什麼 please 會 pretty 呢? How can please be pretty?

A:Pretty has several meanings beside 'pleasing to the eye.' (除了眼裡看漂亮之外,pretty 還有不同的意思)
It also means 'considerable'.
" From the "Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins" by William and Mary Morris (HarperCollins, New York, 1977, 1988). That would explain "pretty please."

One is REALLY saying please, a whole big bunch, a considerable amount.
也就是說:〔許多許多許多的 please.〕

2Q:電影<愛在心裡口難開>(As Good as It Gets) 傑克尼柯遜對飾演女服務生,正在清桌子的海倫韓特說: The table's fine if it had some cholesterol on it. Two sausages, six bacon strips, fries, three eggs over easy and coffee.

請翻譯這句:Two sausages, six bacon strips, fries, three eggs over easy and coffee. *如果你已經認真唸完<聽力初體驗>,就能回答這問題

A:〔兩條臘腸, 六片培根, 一些薯條, 三個兩面煎,蛋黃不要熟的煎荷包蛋, 和咖啡〕

3Q:"Tiger"--He walked on to the stage and then went into the screen, and now the tiger's "starring" in almost every scene.
老虎走向舞台然後在螢幕上表演, 現在每場戲中幾乎都有老虎表演。請問這樣的中譯對嗎?因不清楚starring在這邊怎麼翻譯

A:*starring:主演(你以後注意看,每部電影開場好像都有出現這個字) * star:(v)擔任主角 * every scene:每一幕戲。
〔老虎走向舞台然後在螢幕上表演, 現在每一幕戲中幾乎都有老虎主演的表演。〕

4Q: It was early in the morning when the the tiger raised his head.
【raised his head】要怎麼翻?

A: *跟字面一模一樣 raise:抬起 〔老虎抬起他的頭〕

5Q: The tiger came on smiling and he said, "How do you do ?"
[come on] 的意思是開始嗎?

A: *逐漸開始 〔老虎逐漸開始微笑,以及他說:你好嗎?〕

6Q:"So I crawled in right beside him."
這句昰什麼意思? 是"所以我爬到他的右邊"嗎?

A:*right:正好 〔所以我爬到他的身邊(緊緊靠著他)〕

7Q:we went on toward the city, and we came up to a stop.

A: go on:(動詞片語)有【繼續前進】的意思。
字典例句:He went on to the station.他繼續向車站前進。

A: * came up to :來到 〔以及我們來到巴士站〕

8Q:I told them we could see him on that very afernoon.

A: *that very afternoon:就在那個下午,very:正是、恰好。

9. He sang a song or two.〔他唱一兩首歌。〕

10. Then we went down to the corner, and got on the city bus.

A: *went down 〔走過去〕to the corner
